Listen as our inventor explains The Perfect Draft, and how it can benefit you!

Explains how The Perfect Draft turns your offset smoker into a Convection Cooking Machine!

ALL ABOUT THE CUE BBQ Team: Southern California, a Competition BBQ Team shows us their custom built , fully insulated smoker. The only blower that will work with big pits is The Perfect Draft! Keeps his temp steady, and all he has to do is feed the fuel.

OFFSPRING COOKERS : They set the temperature at 250 degrees, and show the unit is keeping it steady there. Uses less wood and gives you a faster cook!

Backyard Smoker - Shows us his new external mounted firebox he had added to his smoker. Tells us it seems to be as advertised - PERFECT! He is using the blower on manual to provide consistent airflow in his cook chamber, and makes sure the flavor is evenly spread across everything he is cooking.

BIG BOY CUE: Clay shows how he uses the adapter to provide separation between his blower and the firebox. Next we see the unit at 5CFM ( it goes up to 124CFM ), and at only 5CFM, the fire is stroking real good! The Perfect Draft not only controls the flame during cooks, but provides the added air to help you ignite your fuel at the start of the cook!

A short video with an overview on how to operate your Perfect Draft BBQ Blower

Another short video explaining how to adjust the stacks on your smoker when using The Perfect Draft

THE ONE EYED PIG BBQ Team: Kenny from South Carolina needed help with his reverse flow bbq smoker. In this video he shows The Perfect Draft in automatic function, and not only does it hold the temperature, but he shows us how the improved air circulation is holding that same temperature in different areas of his smoker. After 2 hours of smoking its - 100% better than what he was doing!

SPEED UP YOUR COOK - The Perfect Draft ensures consistent and proper airflow through your smoker at all times, resulting in shorter cook times and juicier meat!